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    Writing unit tests is an essential skill for any developer that has tremendous benefits to code quality: if done right. This article explains what they are, why we need them and how to overcome challenges that come with them.
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    One of the most important things to remember when testing code is to provide a consistent environment for tests to run in. This is done by isolating the code from the outside world which not only makes for consistent results, but also results in failures in one module not having adverse effects on tests of another. Isolating code can seem like a challenging task, especially in the fast changing world of JavaScript.
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    In the fast changing world of HTML5, we've grown accustomed to using polyfills to bring future and current features to all browsers. Browsers are starting to catch up and support these features natively, yet we continue to bundle code that may not be used. Find out how Webpack's chunking and code splitting can be used to only download polyfills when necessary.
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    Webpack does a lot more than bundle source files into a distributable package. Its code splitting and dynamic loading capabilities make it a great tool for controlling the lifecycle of an application. This article shows a real-world example of code splitting and chunking to positively impact user experience.
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    JavaScript has received its first major update since 2009. Find out what ES6 features will have the biggest impact on your codebase using real-world examples and get the tooling to get started in all 3 flavours: Gulp, Grunt and Webpack. > ES6 stands for ECMAScript6, which is the latest version of language specification JavaScript is derived from.